ORTA, Garcia de - Colloquies on the simples & drugs of India, 1913.
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List of plants
Money, weights, and measures occurring in the work of Garcia da Orta
First colloquy
1 2 3
Second colloquy: of the aloes
Third colloquy: amber
Fourth colloquy: amomo
Fifth colloquy: anacardo
Sixth colloquy: arbor triste
Seventh colloquy: altiht, anjuden, assafetida, dolce, odorata, anil
Eighth colloquy: bangue
Ninth colloquy: benjuy
Tenth colloquy: ber
Eleventh colloquy: calamo aromatico and das caceras
Twelfth colloquy: camphor
Thirteenth colloquy: cardomum and carandas
Fourteenth colloquy: cassia fistola
Fifteenth colloquy: cinnamon
Sixteenth colloquy: cocoa palm
Seventeenth colloquy: costo and the colerica passio
Eighteenth colloquy: crisocola
Nineteenth colloquy: cubebas
Twentieth colloquy: datura and the doriões
Twenty-first colloquy: ivory and the elephant
Twenty-second colloquy: faufel
Twenty-third colloquy: leaf of india
Twenty-fourth colloquy: galanga
Twenty-fifth colloquy: cloves
Twenty-sixth colloquy: ginger
Twenty-seventh colloquy: Two kinds of herbs for dysentery, and for another which cannot be touched without its withering
Twenty-eighth colloquy: jaca, jambolôes, jambos, jangomas
Twenty-ninth colloquy: lacre
Thirtieth colloquy: linaloes
Thirty-first colloquy: cate
Thirty-second colloquy: mace and nutmeg
Thirty-third colloquy: purgative manna
Thirty-fourth colloquy: mangoes
Thirty-fifth colloquy: pearls and chanka shells
Thirty-sixth colloquy: mungo, Melon of India and Water Melon
Thirty-seventh colloquy: the mirabolanos
Thirty-eighth colloquy: mangostaes
Thirty-ninth colloquy: negundo or sambali
Fortieth colloquy: nimbo
Forty-first colloquy: opium
Forty-second colloquy: pao de cobra
Forty-third colloquy: diamonds
Forty-fourth colloquy: precious stones
Forty-fifth colloquy: bezoar stone
Forty-sixth colloquy: pepper
Forty-seventh colloquy: root of china
Forty-eighth colloquy: rhubarb
Forty-ninth colloquy: sandal
Fiftieth colloquy: spikenard
Fifty-first colloquy: espodio
Fifty-second colloquy: esquinanto
Fifty-third colloquy: tamarinds
Fifty-fourth colloquy: turbit
Fifty-fifth colloquy: thure and myrrh
Fifty-sixth colloquy: tutia
Fifty-seventh colloquy: zedoary
Fifty-eighth colloquy: Treating of some things which came to the notice of the author and of medicines already discussed [...]
The last colloquy: On betel and other things, in which some mistakes throughout the work are amended, which have been left through forgetfulness
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Index of persons chiefly authorities quoted, with titles of their works
Index of names of drugs and simples
Index of names of places
Plate I: Azuiar
Plate II: Arbor Triste
Plate III: Bangue
Plate IV: Mançanas de la India
Plate V: Calamo aromatico
Plate VI: Canela
Plate VII: Dela Datura
Plate VIII: Elephante arrimado a la Palma
Plate IX: Avellana Indica
Plate X: Galanga
Plate XI: Clavos
Plate XII: Gengibre
Plate XIII: Iaca
Plate XIV: Nuez Moscada
Plate XV: Macer
Plate XVI: Mangas
Plate XVII: Negundo (male)
Plate XVIII: Negundo (female)
Plate XIX: Palo de Culebra
Plate XX: Pimienta
Plate XXI: Palo de la China
Plate XXII: Spodio
Plate XXIII: Tamarindo
Índice > Forty-sixth colloquy: pepper > 374
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