Obra ORTA, Garcia de - Colloquies on the simples & drugs of India, 1913. Cópia em JPEG Índice [Anterrosto] Seventh colloquy: altiht, anjuden, assafetida, dolce, odorata, anil Fifteenth colloquy: cinnamon Seventeenth colloquy: costo and the colerica passio Twenty-seventh colloquy: Two kinds of herbs for dysentery, and for another which cannot be touched without its withering Thirty-sixth colloquy: mungo, Melon of India and Water Melon Fifty-eighth colloquy: Treating of some things which came to the notice of the author and of medicines already discussed [...] The last colloquy: On betel and other things, in which some mistakes throughout the work are amended, which have been left through forgetfulness Index of persons chiefly authorities quoted, with titles of their works [Estampas] Plate I: Azuiar Plate II: Arbor Triste Plate III: Bangue Plate IV: Mançanas de la India Plate V: Calamo aromatico Plate VI: Canela Plate VII: Dela Datura Plate VIII: Elephante arrimado a la Palma Plate IX: Avellana Indica Plate X: Galanga Plate XI: Clavos Plate XII: Gengibre Plate XIII: Iaca Plate XIV: Nuez Moscada Plate XV: Macer Plate XVI: Mangas Plate XVII: Negundo (male) Plate XVIII: Negundo (female) Plate XIX: Palo de Culebra Plate XX: Pimienta Plate XXI: Palo de la China Plate XXII: Spodio Plate XXIII: Tamarindo | Índice > Eighteenth colloquy: crisocola > 162 |