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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 4323
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005Pauvreté des travailleurs : nouveaux indicateurs définis conjointement au niveau européen / Office Statistique des Communautés Européennes
2006Reserve de main-d'oeuvre : les taux d'inactivité baissent progressivement / Office Statistique des Communautés Européennes
2005Le consommateur européen dans l'Union élargie / Office Statistique des Communautés Européennes
2005DerniOeres tendances du marché du travail : les chiffres du 2Oeme trimestre 2004 / Office Statistique des Communautés Européennes
2006European Business : facts and figures data 1995-2004 / Statistical Office of the European Communities
2009Key figures on europe : eurostat pocketbook 2009 / Statistical Office of the European Communities
2005DerniOeres tendances du marché du travail : les chiffres du 3Oeme trimestre 2004 / Office Statistique des Communautés Européennes
2008Key figures on europe : statistical pocketbook 2008 / Statistical Office of the European Communities
2005Health in Europe [documento electrónico] : pocketbooks - data 1998-2003 / Statistical Office of the European Commission
2005Measuring progress towards a more sustainable Europe [documento electrónico] : sustainable development indicators for the European Union - data 1990-2005 / Statistical Office of the European Commission
2006Statistical portrait of the European Union 2007 : 50 years of the Treaty of Rome establishing the European Economic Community / European Commission
2009Cutting red tape : focus on statistical response burden / Statistical Office of the European Communities
2008Candidate and potential candidate countries : overview of recent economic developments / Statistical Office of the European Communities
2008Modern statistics for modern society [documento electrónico] / Statistical Office of the European Communities
2005La privation matérielle dans l'UE / Office Statistique des Communautés Européennes
2005PremiOeres estimations démographiques pour 2005 / Office Statistique des Communautés Européennes
2005OECD in figures : statistics on the Member Countries / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
2007Statistical portrait of the European Union 2008 : European Year of Intercultural Dialogue / Statistical Office of the European Commission
2005Consumers in Europe : facts and figures data 1999-2004 / Statistical Office of the European Communities
2009Relatório da Comissão ao Parlamento Europeu e ao Conselho sobre o método de produção de estatísticas europeias [documento electrónico] : uma visão para a próxima década / Comissão das Comunidades Europeias
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 4323