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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 176 of 176
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014[Recensão a] C. Huffman (edited by), A History of PythagoreanismDe Cesaris, Giulia
2014Inspiration and Τέχνη: divination in Plato’s IonLandry, Aaron
2014Cephalus, the myth of Er, and remaining virtuous in unvirtuous timesDiRado, Paul
2014The secret doctrine and the gigantomachia: interpreting Plato’s Theaetetus-SophistBerman, Brad
2014Socrate et AlcibiadeCornelli, Gabriele
2014Le sens de la « kuèsis» dans la perspective des mythes de la gestation (Banquet 201d-212b)Wersinger, Anne Gabrièle
2014The rejected versions in Plato’s SymposiumLuz, Menahem
2014EditorialUlacco, Angela
2013Reading Plato is like solving a jigsaw puzzle: Mary-Louise Gill’s Philosophos: a discussion by Georgia Mouroutsou on Plato’s missing DialogueMouroutsou, Georgia
2013[Recensão a] Plato and the Post- ‑Socratic Dialogue: The Return to the Philosophy of Nature. By Charles H. KahnAltman, William H. F.
2013Ignorance or irony in Plato’s Socrates?: a look beyond avowals and disavowals of knowledgeSenn, Scott J.
2013Competition, imagery, and pleasure in Plato’s Republic, 1–9Robinson, Matthew
2013En tout et pour tout (Théétète 204a-210b)Nercam, Nathalie
2013Socrates vs. Callicles: examination & ridicule in Plato’s GorgiasLevy, David
2013The missing speech of the absent fourth: reader response and Plato’s Timaeus-CritiasAltman, William H. F.
2013EditorialGonzalez, Francisco J.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 176 of 176