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Title: Inscrição votiva à deusa Vitória
Other Titles: Votive inscription to the goddess of Victory
Authors: Rodrigues, Adriano Vasco
Issue Date: 1957
Publisher: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, Instituto de Estudos Clássicos
Abstract: The monument on which the inscription is carved was found at the village of Torre (Sabugal) and is 80 cms. high, 30 cms. broad, 10 cm. thick. The inscription reads SVNVA / TONGI. F. / VICTOR/IAE. V. S. Other similar inscriptions in the same region are mentioned and the probable Celtic origin of the name Tongius is suggested.
ISSN: 2183-1718
Rights: open access
Appears in Collections:HVMANITAS

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