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Title: A diocese de Coimbra durante o reinado de D. Manuel: o governo episcopal de D. Jorge de Almeida: (1482-1543)
Authors: Paiva, José Pedro
Issue Date: 2003
Publisher: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
Abstract: Este estudo visa revelar o conhecimento do percurso biográfico e da carreira do bispo de Coimbra D. Jorge de Almeida, com o intuito de salientar a riqueza e o carácter multifacetado da sua vida e ainda descobrir algumas facetas do seu extraordinariamente longo governo episcopal. Neste plano serão considerados os seguintes tópicos: situação do clero, elaboração e conteúdo das Constituições diocesanas, visitas pastorais e defesa da jurisdição episcopal.
The aim of this article is to bring about some knowledge about the life and the career of the bishop of Coimbra, D. Jorge de Almeida, in order to emphasize the wealth and the multifarious nature of his life and also to expose some aspects of his extraordinarily long rule as a bishop. To achieve this aim the following topics will be dealt with: the situation of the clergy; the making and the contents of the diocesan Constitutions; the pastoral visitations; and the defence of Episcopal jurisdiction.
ISSN: 0870-4147
DOI: 10.14195/0870-4147_36-1_15
Rights: open access
Appears in Collections:Revista Portuguesa de História

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