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Title: Ânforas romanas no Museu do Mar: (Cascais)
Authors: Cardoso, Guilherme
Issue Date: 1978
Publisher: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
Abstract: Publicam-se 29 ânforas do Museu do Mar (Cascais), recolhidas no Sado, ao largo de Tróia ou da Praia da Figueirinha, ou junto ao Cabo Sardão. Revelam-se alguns fornos de ânforas no curso inferior do Sado, os quais provavelmente abasteciam o importante centro conserveiro de Tróia.
A group of 29 Roman amphorae, found under the sea, near cap Sardão or on the estuary of river Sado, is here published. Several amphorae producing kilns on the banks of river Sado are located on the annexed map. The forms or types produced in these kilns are indicated. The main concern of the author is, however, not the kilns, but the collection of amphorae now in the Museu do Mar (Cascais).
ISSN: 0084-9189
1647-8657 (PDF)
DOI: 10.14195/1647-8657_17_7
Rights: open access
Appears in Collections:Conimbriga

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