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Title: The confessions of an ex-con: Robert Lowell remembers West Street, Lois Lepke, and a Skunk in Maine
Authors: Monteiro, George
Keywords: Robert Lowell’s Life Studies;1950s;poetry;pacifism;Robert Lowell’s Life Studies;a década de 1950;poesia;pacifismo
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
Abstract: Robert Lowell’s memories of his experience in prison during World War IIII (he was incarcerated for being a conscientious objector in opposition to the war) surface in his break‑‑through volume Life Studies and inform two of that volume’s canonical poems, “Memories of West Street and Lepke” and (less directly) “Skunk Hour.”
As recordações da sua experiência na prisão durante a Segunda Grande Guerra (o poeta esteve preso por ser objetor de consciência e se opor à guerra) surgem no inovador volume Life Studies, de Robert Lowell, e enformam dois dos poemas canónicos dessa obra, “Memories of West Street and Lepke” e (de forma menos direta) “Skunk Hour”.
ISBN: 978-989-26-1308-6 (PDF)
DOI: 10.14195/978-989-26-1308-6_13
Rights: open access
Appears in Collections:The Edge of one of many circles: homenagem a Irene Ramalho Santos

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