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Title: A imagética do corpo nos bailados de Frederick Ashton
Other Titles: The imagery of the body in Frederick Ashton's ballets
Authors: Lourenço, Frederico
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
Abstract: Este ensaio visa explorar a imagética do copo nos bailados de Frederick Ashton. Entre as questões abordadas incluem-se: movimento e imobilidade, humano e não-humano, personagem e corpo. Depois de passar em revista a imagética do corpo nos bailados narrativos de Ashton, dedico-me aos problemas resultantes da consideração do corpo nos dois famosos bailados abstractos dos anos 40: Symphonic Variations (1946) e Scènes de ballet (1948).
This essay aims to explore the imagery of the body in Frederick Ashton's ballets. Among the questions addressed are: movement and stasis, human and non-human, character and body. After reviewing the imagery of the body in Ashton's narrative ballets, I pass on to the issues arising from considering the body in the two famous abstract ballets from the 1940's, Symphonic Variations (1946) and Scènes de ballet (1948).
ISSN: 0870-0958
2183-8925 (digital)
DOI: 10.14195/2183-8925_33_5
Rights: open access
Appears in Collections:Revista de História das Ideias

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