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Title: The University of Porto in the path of European Science: innovations, exchanges and resistances during World War II
Authors: Araújo, Francisco Miguel
Keywords: Estado Novo (1933-1974);University of Porto;History of science;History of education;Educational & science policies
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Centro de Informação Europe Direct de Aveiro
Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX
Abstract: A worldwide reconfiguration of Science was boosted by II World War. In spite of its neutrality, Portugal has been involved in the advances and obstacles of the creation and transmission of knowledge. This essay takes the University of Porto as a case study and showcases the diversity of paths and efforts deployed towards the assertion of corporate identity and internationalization process: academic exchanges, conferences and events, research units, scientific publishing, etc. All these elements are within a political and ideological framework that defines the Portuguese dictatorial regime, which has created some resistances for innovation of the University and Science in mid-20th century.
ISSN: 1647-6336 (digital)
DOI: 10.14195/1647-6336_13_8
Rights: open access
Appears in Collections:Debater A Europa

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