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Title: Potencialidades del microrrelato en Internet
Authors: Ferreira, Ana Sofia Marques Viana
Keywords: microrrelato;Internet;hibridación genérica;intertextualidad;meme;short short story;Internet;generic hybridization;intertextuality;meme
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Centro de Literatura Portuguesa
Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
Abstract: La crítica generada en torno al microrrelato viene demostrando que esta categoría textual literaria se ha revelado paradigmática del modo de estar y pensar del ser humano de hoy. Su naturaleza escueta, sugerente e híbrida le permite entrar fácilmente en diálogo con discursos de otros ámbitos. En concomitancia, su difusión por Internet en los últimos años y desde distintos circuitos comprueba que es en Internet donde halla el hábitat ideal para desarrollar sus potencialidades y que en larga medida es la responsable por su actual éxito. Por ello, será de vital importancia acercarnos a este discurso partiendo de la premisa de que, sin que haya nacido en el mundo tecnológico tal y como hoy lo concebimos, el microrrelato se ha servido de las características de la esfera virtual para propagarse y volverse un fenómeno altamente democratizado, sobre todo desde la creación.
The criticism generated around the short short story has shown that this literary text category is paradigmatic of contemporary human being’s way of being and thinking. Its brief, quick, suggestive and hybrid nature allows it to absorb other speeches from other areas, as well as to enter into dialogue with them. Concurrently, its dissemination through the Internet in recent years and through different circuits proves that it is on the Internet that this kind of fiction finds the ideal habitat to develop its potential. Internet publication also contributes to its current popularity. From this approach, it is very important to address this discourse on the premise that without being born in the technological world as we conceive it today, the short short story has taken advantage of the features of the virtual sphere to spread and become a highly democratized phenomenon, especially from the perspective of their creators.
ISSN: 2182-8830
DOI: 10.14195/2182-8830_4-2_10
Rights: open access
Appears in Collections:Matlit

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