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Title: Mopsos, o pequeno grego: o poder eterno das palavras
Authors: Silva, Maria de Fátima
Keywords: children's literature;greek culture;orthoepeia
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, Instituto de Estudos Clássicos
Abstract: Presenting her text as a story for children, Hélia Correia puts in evidence the spiritual and abstract valours of Greek culture, specially in what concerns logos. It is clear, through her pages, the impression resulting from a direct contact with Greece, she tries to communicate to her reader. What are the motifs of its charm? That kind of indifference memory shows for the marks of centuries: herbs climbing up the walls, stones that never recuperate their places, and curtains that will stay in rags forever.
ISSN: 2183-1718
Appears in Collections:HVMANITAS

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