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Title: Regulae amoris no Tratado de André Capelão
Authors: Oliveira, Joana Neves de
Keywords: Courtly Love;Troubadour;Oraland Popular Tradition;Tale;Symbolic Language
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, Instituto de Estudos Clássicos
Abstract: With this study we propose a journey to the dawn of the French 12th Century, to meet André Capelão and his De Amore, a Latin treaty dealing with love with a strong Ovidian influence, at the start of aetas ovidiana, but written by a Clergyman. We have translated and stylistically analysed the extremely important eighth chapter of the second tome where the thirty-one rules of Love are listed, after the narration of a brief episode with a courtly theme that shows the influence of the trendy Britain literature, yet also the influence of the oral and popular tradition.
ISSN: 2183-1718
Appears in Collections:HVMANITAS

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