Browsing by Subject ghost
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2019 | Ghosts stories in the Greek novel: a typology attempt | Ruiz Montero, Consuelo |
2019 | Menippus: a truly living ghost in Lucian’s Necromancy | Gómez Cardó, Pilar |
2019 | The ghostly, the uncanny and the abject in Jean Rhys’s After Leaving Mr Mackenzie | J. López, María |
2019 | The Moroccan jinn in the Anglo-American literary and ethnographic tradition | Porras Sánchez, María |
2019 | The role of the ghosts in Seneca’s tragedies | Rodríguez-Pantoja, Miguel |
2019 | The “Ghost” in the Magic Treatises by Lope de Barrientos | Rísquez, Antonia |