Browsing by Subject fuel treatments

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014An experimental approach to the evaluation of prescribed fire behaviorMueller, Eric; Skowronski, Nicholas; Clark, Kenneth; Kremens, Robert; Gallagher, Michael; Thomas, Jan; El Houssamia, Mohamad; Filkov, Alexander; Butler, Bret; Hom, John; Mell, William; Simeoni, Albert
2018Evaluating ecological tipping points across levels of wildfire suppression under various climate and fuel treatment scenarios on US northern Rocky Mountain landscapes using landscape simulationKeane, Robert E.; Gray, Kathy; Davis, Brett; Holsinger, Lisa
2018Modelling fire spread and damage in wildland-urban interfacesFernandez, Fabien; Guillaume, Bruno; Porterie, Bernard; Ganteaume, Anne; Guerra, Fabien
2018Optimisation of fuel treatments at landscape level in NW SpainJiménez, Enrique; Fernández-Alonso, José M.; Fernández, Cristina; Fontúrbel, Teresa; Vega, José A.