DSpace-CRIS consists of a data model describing objects of interest to Research and Development and a set of tools to manage the data. Standard DSpace is used to deal with publications and data sets, whereas DSpace-CRIS involves other CRIS entities: Researcher Pages, Projects, Organization Units and Second Level Dynamic Objects (single entities specialized by a profile, such as Journal, Prize, Event etc; because any profile can define its own set of properties and nested objects)
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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2009 | Epistolografía amorosa y familiar en Moralia de Plutarco | Vicente Sánchez, Ana |
2009 | Gli epiteti omerici nel Grillo di Plutarco: parallelismo simbolico tra animali e divinità | Tozza, Marcello |
2007 | Health is wealth: Plutarch on contemporary luxury | Teodorsson, Sven-Tage |
2010 | How to deal with the philosophical tradition?: some general rules in Plutarch’s anti-epicurean treatises | Roskam, Geert; Leuven, K.U. |
2007 | I fondamenti metafìsici dell’ etica di Plutarco | Ferrari, Franco |
2011 | La psichicità dell’anima del mondo e il divenire precosmico | Ferrari, Franco |
2010 | La ‘diet-etica’ di Plutarco: l’autopromozione d’autore nei precetti igienici | Hoof, Lieve Van |
2010 | Mulierum Virtutes: atti di virtù individuale e collettiva | Tanga, Fabio |
2010 | Not an “innocent spectacle”: hunting and venationes in Plutarch’s De sollertia animalium | Jazdzewska, Katarzyna |
2015 | Uma pedra no sapato antigo: sobre Moralia de Plutarco e Vespas de Aristófanes | Silva, Francisco Alison Ramos da |
2010 | Plutarch on the question of justice for animals | Steiner, Gary |
2011 | Plutarco y los Emblemata amorum de Vaenius | Pérez Jiménez, Aurelio |
2010 | Plutarque et le politique à la lumière du théâtre Grec | Teixeira, Etienne |
2010 | Strange animals: extremely interspecific hybridization (and anthropopoiesis) in Plutarch | Causi, Pietro Li |
2010 | The interplay of textual references in Plutarch’s life of phocion | Fialho, Maria do Céu |