Showing results 1 to 20 of 55
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1753 | [Carta celeste Nº 10] Pisces | Flamsteed, John |
1753 | [Carta celeste Nº 11] | Flamsteed, John |
1753 | [Carta celeste Nº 12] Eridanus, Orion, Lepus | Flamsteed, John |
1753 | [Carta celeste Nº 13] Monaceros, Canis major & minor, Navis, Lepus | Flamsteed, John |
1753 | [Carta celeste Nº 14] Hydra, Crater, Corvus, Sextans Virgo | Flamsteed, John |
1753 | [Carta celeste Nº 15] Cassiopea, Cepheus, Ursa minor, Draco | Flamsteed, John |
1753 | [Carta celeste Nº 16] Andromeda, Perseus, Triangulum | Flamsteed, John |
1753 | [Carta celeste Nº 17] Camelopardal & Auriga | Flamsteed, John |
1753 | [Carta celeste Nº 18] Lynx & Leo minor | Flamsteed, John |
1753 | [Carta celeste Nº 19] Ursa major | Flamsteed, John |
1753 | [Carta celeste Nº 1] Aries | Flamsteed, John |
1753 | [Carta celeste Nº 1] Aries | Flamsteed, John |
1753 | [Carta celeste Nº 20] Comae Berenices, Bootes, Canes Venatici | Flamsteed, John |
1753 | [Carta celeste Nº 21] Hercules, Corona & Lira | Flamsteed, John |
1753 | [Carta celeste Nº 22] Ophiuchus & Serpens | Flamsteed, John |
1753 | [Carta celeste Nº 23] Aquila, Sagitta, Vulpecula & Anser, Delphinus | Flamsteed, John |
1753 | [Carta celeste Nº 24] Lira, Cygnus, Lacerta, Vulpec & Anser, Sagitta | Flamsteed, John |
1753 | [Carta celeste Nº 25] | Flamsteed, John |
1753 | [Carta celeste Nº 26] | Flamsteed, John |
1753 | [Carta celeste Nº 27] | Flamsteed, John |