DSpace-CRIS consists of a data model describing objects of interest to Research and Development and a set of tools to manage the data. Standard DSpace is used to deal with publications and data sets, whereas DSpace-CRIS involves other CRIS entities: Researcher Pages, Projects, Organization Units and Second Level Dynamic Objects (single entities specialized by a profile, such as Journal, Prize, Event etc; because any profile can define its own set of properties and nested objects)
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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1631 | Novus et methodicus tractatus, de una et altera quarta, legitima, falcidia, et trebellianica, earumque imputatione Ad cap. Raynaldus De testamentis; in 4. partes divisus... | Carvalho, João de |
1716 | Pro primo literarum examine subeundo, cæsareas conclusiones deductas : ex notatis ad titulum ff. de legatis, & fideicom. libro 3 : principaliter ventilabitur : utr. incertus de statu suo possit adire hereditatem? Affirmativè | Matos, Manuel de |
1623 | Tractatus de partitionibus bonorum communium inter maritum et uxorem & filios ac hæredes eorum ... | Ayerbe de Ayora, Antonio |